
目前顯示的是 9月, 2022的文章


陳惠黛 Odile Chen /  羅芙奧季刊第40期  【藝術與投資專欄】   /  2022年9月 今年六月初羅芙奧春拍預展期間,我接到熟識多年的客戶來電,告知有意登記電話競標,目標是壓軸拍賣日朱沅芷(Yun Gee, 1906-1963)的《紐約中央公園》一作。當天這件編號232的拍品登場時,拍賣官宣佈從台幣1100萬元起拍,倏地拍賣廳現場、電話競標台上多組買方此起彼落地展開競價,一口100萬,價格快速站上2000萬,到了2400萬後剩下兩位電話買家,其中一位正是我代表出價的收藏家。兩相不讓過程陷入膠著,最後另一組電話買家喊上6000萬,拍賣官三次提醒後敲槌(含買方服務費6976萬成交,US$2,374,404),為低預估價的六倍以上,結束緩慢拉鋸的十多分鐘。這幅畫究竟有何魅力,讓多位收藏家渴望擁有?且讓我們多幾分了解這位的藝術家吧! 名揚四海 博物館典藏 1932年,朱沅芷應邀為紐約MoMA現代美術館遷移新址開幕的「美國畫家和攝影家壁畫展」(Murals by American Painters and Photographers)繪製大幅壁畫,他是首位應邀的華人藝術家。當年參展的作品是《工業之輪在紐約》(Wheels: Industrial New York),為藝術家一生中最大幅的繪畫。這幅鉅作《工業之輪在紐約》在2017年秋天現身香港蘇富比拍賣會,拍出1億0528萬7500港元(約4億台幣)的新天價,使朱沅芷的行情再上層樓,成為繼吳冠中、趙無極、常玉等,第四位在二級市場躋身億元港幣的華人西畫家。 今年(2022年)在惠特尼美術館的年度大展中,資深策展人芭芭拉.哈斯克爾(Barbara Haskell)挑選朱沅芷的1926年油畫作品《街景》,與美國名家喬治亞.歐姬芙(Georgia O'Keeffe, 1887-1986)、馬森.哈特利(Marsden Hartley, 1877-1943)和奧斯卡.布魯納(Oscar Bluemner, 1867-1938)等人作品共同展出。展覽的主題為「在新時代的黎明—20世紀早期美國現代主義」(At the Dawn of a New Age: Early Twentieth Century American Modernism),探索上世紀初期現代主義蓬勃發展的階段,45位參展藝術家於1900-1930年

Six Decades of Repose. Yun Gee and Five Blue Continents

  Odile Chen /  Ravenel Quarterly No. 40 / issue of September 2022 During the Ravenel Spring Auction Preview in early June of this year, I received a call from a long-time client, informing me of his intention to register to bid by telephone; the item of interest is the pièce de résistance of the auction, Central Park (New York) by Yun Gee (1906-1963). On the day of the auction, the opening bid for this item started at NT$11 million, and with the multitude of in-person and telephone bidders all competing for auction lot no.232 at NT$1 million increment per bid, the price quickly rose to NT$20 million. After reaching NT$24 million, two telephone bidders remained; one of whom was the collector I was representing. Neither party would allow the process to end in stalemate, and the other bidder finally made the winning bid of NT$60 million. After three notices, the auctioneer brought down the gavel to end more than 10 minutes of a drawn-out tug-of-war at more than six times the minimum esti